Common Exchange Integration in PBXAdmin

Set up and manage the Common Exchange integration in PBXAdmin.

Before setting up the Common Exchange Integration

Our Common Exchange integration uses impersonation to retrieve calendar appointments and contacts through a shared user access. It is compatible with Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, or Office 365.

The Common Exchange integration can be set up in two ways:

  1. Manual connection using username and password.
  2. Connection with Microsoft login. 

To be able to set up the integration, one must, at a minimum, have created a Microsoft/Office 365 user with the corresponding login, which must have the rights to impersonate the remaining users. Permissions to impersonate users can be granted via the Exchange Admin Center.

NOTE: For Office 365 users that only exist in the cloud, in the Office portal, the checkbox defining that the user has to change the password at the first login must be unchecked.

Manual Connection

If you wish to set up the Common Exchange integration with Exchange Admin Center, you can follow this guide: Setting up Application Impersonation for Exchange.

Connection with Microsoft Login

When setting up the Common Exchange integration via the Microsoft connection, the following is required:

Setting up Common Exchange

  1. Under Fælles Exchange integration (Common Exchange integration), you have the opportunity to activate and edit the Exchange integration for several Myfone users at the same time. Here you can set up calendar viewing permissions for all users, as well as whether their Exchange contacts should be imported to


Function Description
2. Aktiver (Activate) Here you activate/deactivate the Common Exchange feature.
3. Kontakt mail (Contact Email) Here you insert the email that should be contacted in case of problems.

4. Brug Microsoft-opkobling

(Use Microsoft Connection)

Here the connection is activated with Admin login information.

5. Brug manuel opkobling

(Use Manual Connection)

Here you can manually set up the Exchange integration.
6. Gem (Save) Here you save the chosen setup.

7. Test administrator opkobling

(Test Administrator Connection)

Here you can test the saved setup.

Setting up Exchange integration for employees:


Function Description
1. Lokal (Local) Employee's local number.
2. Navn (Name) Name of the employee.
3. Aktiv (Active) Activate/deactivate whether the Common Exchange integration should be active for this employee. If there is no check mark in the Active box, users can control their Exchange setup on under Settings.
4. Mail adresse (Email Address) Employee's Exchange email address.
5. Kalender deling (Calendar Sharing) Determines how the employee's calendar should be displayed on
6. Exchange kontakter (Exchange contacts) Activate/deactivate the synchronization of Exchange contacts.