When you create speaks with text-to-speech, you have the option to customize the speak using SSML codes. Here are the most common ones.
NOTE: To use SSML codes, SSML must be activated. You do this by starting the text with <speak> and ending with </speak>
Insert a pause in the reading.
Welcome to Flexfone's touch-tone menu. [pause for 2 seconds]
Press 1 to reach Customer Service [pause for 2 seconds]
Press 2 to reach Support [pause for 3 seconds]
Press 3 to reach Billing Service [pause for 3 seconds]
Press 0 to hear the menu again [pause for 10 seconds]
Welcome to Flexfone's touch-tone menu <break time="2s"/>
Press 1 to reach Customer Service <break time="2s"/>
Press 2 to reach Support <break time="3s"/>
Press 3 to reach Billing Service <break time="3s"/>
Press 0 to hear the menu again <break time="10s"/>
Language and Voice Change
Switch the language in the speak so that the text is read with a different voice and in another language.
Velkommen til Flexfone. Vent venligst. (Danish voice)
Welcome to Flexfone. Please press 9 for English. (English voice)
Velkommen til Flexfone. Vent venligst.
<voice xml:lang="en-US" name="en-US-Wavenet-C"> Welcome to Flexfone. Please press 9 for English </voice>
Spell the Word
Have the voice pronounce the letters instead of saying the word.
Welcome to ABCDE Brokers. Please wait.
Welcome to <say-as interpret-as="characters">ABCDE</say-as> Brokers. Please wait.
Comprehensive Example
Velkommen til ABCDE Mæglerne.
Tast 1, hvis du er interesseret i at købe
Tast 2, hvis du overvejer at sælge
Tast 3, hvis du ønsker at tale med bogholderiet
Tast 0, for at høre menuen igen
Please press 9 for English.
Velkommen til <say-as interpret-as="characters">ABCDE</say-as> mæglerne<break time="2s"/>
Tast 1 hvis du er interesseret i at købe <break time="2s"/>
Tast 2 hvis du overvejer at sælge <break time="2s"/>
Tast 3 hvis du ønsker at tale med bogholderiet <break time="2s"/>
Tast 0 for at høre menuen igen <break time="2s"/>
<voice xml:lang="en-US" name="en-US-Wavenet-C"> Please press 9 for English </voice> <break time="5s"/>
If you want more SSML codes, you can find them here.