- Integrations
- Chrome extension
How do I install the Chrome extension for Myfone?
You install the Chrome extension through Chrome Web Store.
To install the Chrome extension, follow these steps:
1. Go to myfone.dk / Settings / clients and applications and find the Myfone Chrome extension.
2. Click on Download. Now you will be redirected to the Chrome web store.
3. Click on Add to Chrome.
3. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the addition of the extension. Click Add extension.
Note: If you pin the extension to your toolbar, you will get notifications when you have a new voicemail.
How to pin the extension to your toolbar:
1. Click on the puzzle piece icon located in the top right corner of your browser, next to the address bar.
2. Find the Myfone extension in the list that appears, and click on the pin icon to pin the extension to your toolbar.