1. FAQ
  2. Myfone
  3. Guide to Profiles in Myfone

Set and edit profiles

When creating a new profile, you first need to name it. Then you'll choose how inbound and outbound calls should behave when that profile is active.

1. Inbound calls

Here you set how your inbound calls should behave for the selected profile.



  1. Choosing Initiate call on Myfone will make all calls to the selected number ring only on Myfone. However, ensure that your softphone is activated and set up correctly to receive calls.

  2. Choosing Initiate call on Microsoft Teams will make all calls to the selected number ring only on Microsoft Teams.

  3. Choosing Initiate call on Yealink T46G will make all calls to the selected number ring only on your desk phone if you have one registered to your Myfone user.

  4. Choosing Initiate call on all devices will make all calls to the selected number ring on all devices simultaneously.

  5. Choosing Set busy will give all calls to the selected number a busy tone.

  6. Choosing Go to voicemail will send all calls to the selected number to voicemail after a time interval that you determine.

  7. Choosing Forward to will forward all calls to the selected number. You choose whether it should be a colleague or a queue, for example.

2. Outbound calls

For outbound calls, you can choose which of your numbers are displayed.


Desk phone - Show your mobile number For example, you can display your mobile number when calling from your desk phone.

Mobile phone - Show your company's main number For example, you can display your company's main number when calling from your mobile.


Which number am I showing when making an outbound call? If you're unsure which number you're calling out from, it's always the number selected in Outbound calls on the respective device you're calling out from in your active profile.

3. Profile-controlled queue login/logout

You can also set profiles to automatically log in or out one or more of your phones to company phone queues.

This is activated by pressing the button on the right so it turns green, as shown in the picture.

Once you've activated profile-controlled queue login/logout, you can choose which of your phones should be logged into the various queues when this profile is active.

If you choose not to log in any phones to a queue, it means you're not logged into the queue when this profile is active.

Note: When activating profile-controlled queue login/logout on a profile, it's activated on all profiles. Therefore, ensure that login/logout to queues is set as desired on all profiles.