Your Myfone status indicates if you are available or busy.
Here are all of the different Myfone statuses explained:
AvailableThe green status indicates that you are currently not talking on any of your phones. |
BusyThe red status indicates that you are either talking on your mobile phone, softphone, desk phone or Microsoft Teams |
CallingWhen you receive a call, your status will change to blue on Wallboard, and in the Myfone-app. |
DND (Do not disturb)DND Indicates that you have activated DND on your desk phone, which means that you can't receive any calls on your desk phone. You will still receive calls on all of your other phones. This status can only be seen on the Wallboard, but not in the Myfone app. |
Unavailable on Myfone.dkThe grey status will appear if you are unavailable while only using It can also appear if we for some reason can't get a status on your user. |
No statusIf we can't get a status from your user, the white status will appear. |