Can I buy extra data?

Yes, if you have the Fri tale 250 GB mobile package and run out of data before the month is over, you can purchase an additional 100 GB for 200 kr.

Let's take an example:

On the 17th of the month, you have used all the 250 GB of data included in your subscription. Therefore, you buy an additional 100 GB for 200 kr., which you can use for the rest of the month.

You can purchase extra data as many times as you want during a month, so if you have already used all the extra 100 GB by the 25th, you can purchase another 100 GB. The new 100 GB is again available for you for the rest of the current month and cannot be carried over to the next month.

How to buy extra data:

The purchase of the 100 GB of data can be made on the customer login under the individual employee's subscription. When the purchase is made, the person responsible for telecom in the company receives an email confirmation.