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Country Code Management in PBXAdmin

Set up and manage Country Code Management in PBXAdmin.

Landekodestyring (Country Code Management) can be used to set up different call flows based on the country from which the caller is ringing. For instance, one could choose an English greeting for everyone calling from numbers outside Denmark.

  1. Under Landekodestyring (Country Code Management), you can see all country code managements that have been created.


Function  Description
2. Lokalnummer (Local number) Here you can see the local number of the country code management.
3. Navn (Name) Here you can write the name of the country code management. For example, it might be the country where the rule is activated.
4. Beskrivelse (Description) Can be used for additional recognition of the country code management (e.g., what happens if different countries call).

5. Tilføj Landekodestyring

(Add Country Code management)

Here you can add a new country code management for use in a call flow.


In the Generelt (General) tab, you can see and change general information on a country code management.


Function Description
1. Navn (Name) Here you can write the name of the country code management. For example, the countries captured by the Country Code Management.
2. Beskrivelse (Description) Description | Can be used for additional recognition of the country code management (e.g., what happens if different countries call).

Setting up Country Code Management


Function Description
1. Opkald fra (Calls from) To set up a rule, select the country the rule should apply to. If you want calls from countries other than Denmark to follow a specific procedure, select Denmark. If you want multiple rules for, e.g., Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, create more rules by pressing +.
2. Resterende lande (Remaining countries) Here you can determine what should happen if one of the countries you haven't set rules for calls.
3. Vælg (Select) Here you choose what should happen for the specific rule. Clicking this will show options with different functions you can attach, such as an announcement or opening hours.


Calls from Denmark (0045) go to opening hours (local number 3000). Calls from countries other than Denmark go to the 'English Welcome Greeting' announcement (local number 6000). This announcement explains to the customer in English who they've called. The announcement then forwards the call to the opening hours (local number 3000).