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  2. Myfone app
  3. Guide to Myfone app

Profiles in the Myfone app

Here you can manage your profiles yourself or simply let your profiles switch automatically.

1. You find Profiles by tapping on the icon in the top left corner.


2. Then you tap on Profiles.


Automatic profile switch turned on

1. Tap here if you want to manage your profile switches manually or automatically.

2. Here you can see how your active profile behaves (see more below).


Automatic profile switch turned off

1. When automatic profile switch is turned off, you can see all your profiles which you can now manually select from the list.

2. If you press the info icon, you can see how your active profile behaves (see more below).


You can see your different phone numbers and what happens when you either receive or make a call.


Tip: Get profiles as a widget on your home screen.