How do I set up the Zendesk Integration?

To set up the integration with Zendesk in PBXAdmin, follow these steps:

  1. Access PBXAdmin Platform:

    • Go to
    • Navigate to the Integration option, then select Medarbejderintegration (Employee Integration).
  2. Employee Integration Settings:

    • Click on Indstillinger for medarbejderintegration (Settings for Employee Integration).
  3. Select HTTP Method:

    • From the drop-down options, select POST as the HTTP Method.
  4. Enter Links:

    • You will see four text fields. Copy the relevant links provided to you and paste them into these fields.
  5. Save & Update:

    • Click on Gem (Save).
    • Afterwards, make sure to click on Opdater system (Update System) in the top-right corner to ensure the changes are applied.

Now that the integration in PBXAdmin is activated, you're set to install the app on the Zendesk platform. Follow the provided guide from Zendesk to complete the installation process.

Always ensure that you're following security best practices when integrating third-party services and make sure the links you're using are from a trusted source.